Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Evergreen Lake Ultras 50K (5:29:33)

I enjoyed this race last year so signed up pretty early with no hesitation.  The difference the organizer made from last year was that the course was on a reverse direction and no muddy trail (as to no rain).  From my old memory, the course was all runnable meaning no steep hills so I decided to pace based on how I feel not worrying about saving energy in the tank.  Now, the course is not exactly same as before and noticed there were more hills; actually. the elevation gain was doubled from 760ft (last year) to 1600 ft (this year).  So clearly, I made a mistake that I should've slowed down when hitting hills which I didn't.  When finishing up the 1st loop (15.5 miles), I was informed coming in as 2nd place.  I smiled and that won't be true for the next loop.  Indeed, I started struggling from a fall once and hills (my quads and calfs were somewhat cramping).  I walked a lot for the last 3 miles?  Three runners passed me which I couldn't help.  When I was 400 yards to go to the finish line, I heard someone approaching very fast.  And then he said I won't pass, but push you to finish strong.  I really appreciated his friendly gesture.  So I was the 6th overall and 5th in male that was good enough for a top 6 male award.

With Andrew who pushed to finish strong!

Running in the heat!
strava data:

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