Monday, May 4, 2015

2015 First Midwest Half Marathon (1:38:52; 82/1059)

I came back to the Palos Heights Half Marathon in 2015.  I saw a post from WCRC FB page about a free bib for this event on Saturday night.  Since I ran 16miles at 7:50 pace/mile on Saturday (garmin data), my original plan was to do ~10 mile run on Sunday.  So why not doing a half marathon? My legs were pretty tired, but I had a good memory about this event with PR from last year so I decided to do it for fun. Based on my training pace, I thought I would be happy if my time is around 1:40 which will help me get to church without being too late.

I met Maria and Mike A at the start line, got the bib number, and had a small talk.
It was a warm day at the start (~45F).  I brought my favorite water bottle--10oz palm holder, newton distance III (just arrived two days before the race), and two Vfuel just in case for I may struggle from the training mileages on that week (~40 miles). I began with a comfortable pace (meaning stable breathing), but for the first 2 miles my pace was ~7 min/mile. I knew this is not the pace I can hold until the end given my physical condition so slowed down a little settling at 7:20-30 min/mile pace. However, I felt some fatigue already at mile 4 so tried to open the first Vfuel, but dropped... haha (perhaps lost a few seconds plus the rhythm? :-)) I didn't know the big deal would be the warm weather that went up from 45F to 75F along the course. 

After the turning point at mile 6-7, I saw Maria who looked quite strong. I shouted "way to go," but didn't see other WCRC members. I tried not to push too hard, but kept hydrated and breathed comfortably.  The challenges were to deal with heat that I grabbed a few cups of water and poured down on my head to cool down instead of drinking. The little hill at mile 10-11 was not too pleasant, but I knew it would be much easier after then. I tried to stay comfortable for the last few miles instead of pushing because of the fact that (1) it's not my bib number and (2) my feet were tired. However, I kinda sprinted (@6:14 pace?) when I saw the finish line from a distance. Then, I remembered why I had a good memory for this was the easy/fast last a few hundred yards to the end.  Although my body was not in a race mode and the heat was unexpected, I improved two  from last year: (1) ~3 min PR (last year was 1:42:48) and (2) my feet were all fine (no blister, no hot spot, etc).  I had to leave right after the race not to miss the church service (but missed WCRC friends), but it was nice to come back again this year.  

(at the start line)

(finisher medal and newton distance III)

# Garmin data

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